All-on-4 Croatia

An All-on-4 is a dental procedure that replaces an entire arch (row) of your teeth. In other words, the procedure is called an All-on-4 because your prosthetic teeth will be supported by for four implants. If you are planning to get an All-on-4 in Croatia, you will get the best dental care in Europe at the best prices. So here are some important things to know before you start booking your flights and packing your bags.

Dr. Gikić with an All on 4 patient.

How does an All-on-4 work?

First, its important to understand that your jaw muscles can generate a great amount of force. This force is called your bite pressure. Therefore, your jaw muscles have the power to generate up to 70 pounds of force in your mouth. Your strong bite pressure is what allows you to chew through a juicy piece of steak or break ice cubes. If you are missing teeth, the pressure from your bite will not be evenly distributed across in your mouth.

Resulting in your bite becoming unbalanced because the elements in your mouth cannot equally distribute it. Having an unbalanced bite will eventually effect you gums and your jaw bone because there is nothing that balances the pressure in the empty spaces. This is why it is not a good idea to leave empty spaces in your mouth long term. Leaving empty spaces can cause jaw pain, headaches, the misalignment of other teeth and other serious complications.

The All-on-4 Solution

An All-on-4 is a great solution if you are missing an entire row of teeth. However, this is unlike conventional dentures, an All-on-4 will be fixed in your mouth. You will not have to go through the trouble of removing dentures daily. There are new materials on the market that will make you new teeth look like your natural smile.

So this procedure can be done both on the top or bottom arches of your mouth. As a result, you’ll have the smile you’ve always dreamed up while being able to enjoy the foods you love. Before going into the dental chair, you’ll need to understand the key factor that determines the success of this procedure.

Bone Grafting

Second, did you know that your bone density is key in the success of your procedure? You need enough bone in your upper and lower jaw because that can support the implants and new prosthetic teeth. If you have bone loss on either jaw, you will need to first undergo a procedure called a Bone Graft.

A Bone Graft is simply a way to help your body rebuild bone density that it has lost. In other words, the dentist will place more bone tissue in damaged areas of your jaw bone. Your dentist in Croatia will first do a CBCT scan of your head to determine your jaw bone levels. Next, they will plan the type of bone graft procedure that is best for your needs.

An All on 4 patient talking to one of our doctors in our office in Croatia

If you need bone added to your lower jaw, the dentist will simply cut open a space in your gums and add the material there. After that, he or she will simply suture the site closed and monitor your your healing process.

However, if you need bone in your upper jaw, then they will have to perform something called a Sinus Lift. A Sinus Lift is the process of creating a small space between your sinuses. Your dentist will add  bone material to it so you can grow in new bone tissue to fill the spaces.

A full arch of teeth with one missing tooth. Bone from a bone graft it's about to enter the hole.
A full arch of teeth with one missing tooth. Bone from a bone graft has entered the hole.
A full arch of teeth with one missing tooth. It is stitched up around the gums.

You have three main options for different types of bone graft materials.

Autograft – This type of graft uses bone tissue from your own body. Your doctors know that your body is best suited to regrow and reincorporate its own biological tissues. Therefore this is the safest and most common option.

Allograft – When you get an Allograft, you will be getting bone tissue from a donor. In other words, the dentist will use bone tissue from another person’s body. This process is highly regulated and follows strict health and safety standards to keep you safe from infections etc.

Xenograft – Opting to get a xenograft means that your dentist will have to import bone tissue from another species. This bone material usually comes from a cow or pig. The imported bone tissue is sterilized, then mixed with other natural materials so it can integrate into your body.

Synthetic Bone Graft – Artificial materials like Hydroxyapatite and choice minerals are used to form a mixture that will integrate into jaw bone. These materials have good bio-compatibility with your body so they will heal to become part of your natural bone structure.

Dr. Škaričić examining a patient in his office.

Bone grafting is not a short process. The dentist will need to closely monitor your healing. It is important to realize that your healing will depend on how well you follow their aftercare instructions.  You will definitely need to avoid smoking, eating hard foods and doing things to irritate the surgical site. Your healing process can take anywhere from 3-9 months if there are no complications. Once your bone and gum tissues have fully healed you will be ready for your implant placements.

Getting an All-on-4 in Croatia

Third, the dentist will place four implants in your mouth. This is why the procedure is called an“All-on-4”.  If you need more support then you can also get a procedure called an “All-on-6”. This means that two additional implants will be added for extra support. Accordingly, these implants will support your new teeth, so they will function as the roots of your natural teeth did.

Therefore, they need to be precisely spaced across your jaw bone. When this is done properly, your bite pressure will be evenly distributed across four implant anchor points. Thus, they will function as natural teeth do.

The spacing of your implants is key to the success or failure of your procedure. 

Dr. Gikić perfoming an All on 4 treatment.
Dr. Gikic performing an All on 4 treatment in his office in Croatia.

Low prices are attractive, however the quality of the work you get is of the upmost importance when it comes to your health. Meaning, low quality work will cause you pain, suffering and cost you a fortune to fix later on. Implant repairs and treating other complications can cost up to €6000 or more per implant.

To rephrase it, the quality of work you get in this procedure is of the upmost importance.

This is why we only work with qualified dentist and doctors in Croatia. They have all graduated from reputable medical and dental schools in Switzerland, Germany and the UK. In addition to their qualifications, there will be no language barrier because you can freely communicate with them in English.

This means that your dentist can precisely calculate your implant spacing through the use of advanced digital imaging. They will take your CBCT scans, then use software to calculate the exact placements of your implants. Once your dentist has determined the arrangement, they will start your implant procedure.

Implant Placement

A full arch with no teeth. There are six dental implants in the gums.
A full arch with no teeth. There are six dental implants in the gums and six abutments are connected to them.

Third, the dentist will place implants in specific spaces in your mouth. The dentists do this so your bite pressure will be equally distributed across your jaw bones. Typically, the dentist will place two implants placed in the front of your jaw, and two in the back. Your two implants in the front of your jaw will be facing a vertical direction. Then your two implants in the rear of your mouth will be placed at a slight angle. Your doctor will customize their work to your body so they can get the best balance of your bite pressure.

Your implants will function as the roots that support your teeth. Thus, the dentist will simulate them using titanium screws. As intimidating at this sounds, you will not feel any pain during this process. Your dentist will use anesthesia so you will not feel any discomfort. In addition, the doctor can sedate you to help you relax if you are nervous. Rest assured, they have a wealth of experience doing this for countless other cases and are experts in their fields.

Six different types of dental implants with different shapes and sizes.

All of our dental clinics in Croatia use the best equipment on the market, while offering the top implant brands. For example, our team only uses reputable and internationally acclaimed dental implant brands like Neodent Acqua and Struamann SLActive. The companies keep these implants in liquid to give them a faster rate of bone integration. In addition, the implants packaged in water have a lower risk of infection. Moreover, our doctors are well connected with top brands like Nobel and Straumann because they use their products on a regular basis.

Your dentist will fit you with a temporary set of fixed dentures milled from material called PMMA after your implant surgery. You will be able to walk about of the clinic with a new smile right away. One key benefit in working with us is that each of our clinics in Croatia has a dental lab onsite. Thus, you will be able to work closely with the technicians in the fabrication of your permanent teeth.

They will match your new teeth to the color of your natural teeth. Also, they can acculturate shape them from the precise measurements they take from your mouth. Although you may be comparing the dental costs in Budapest, or comparing dental prices in Turkey, our services in Croatia have much more to offer. We have modern technology, the latest and best international brands and highly qualified doctors at the best prices in Europe.

Your Permanent Fixtures

A full arch with no teeth. A full arch of teeth is just above the dental implants, but not yet connected.
A full arch with all new and white teeth.

Fourth, the lab technicians will start the process of fabricating your permanent fixtures after they make your temporary PMMA denture.  Your doctor will fix your permanent teeth to your implant, so there is no need to remove them like conventional dentures. You will have the following options for materials to choose from by getting your All-on-4 done in Croatia:

Acrylic – is a material that is made from hard plastics and resins. It have been used for making removable dentures for decades, so it is the most common material in fabricating teeth. This material is the most affordable, easy to fabricate, light weight and easy to repair if damaged. Our clinics in Croatia work with Hybrid Acrylics, which are Acrylics mixed with other materials to add to their durability.

PMMA– (Polymethyl methacrylate) this material is offers a wide range of colors so it can be exactly matched to your natural teeth. PMMA is milled from a block so it easy to machine fabricate to fit more precisely in your mouth. Its highly resistant to water damage and some grades are able to withstand tougher foods. Above all, it is very aesthetically pleasing and can give you natural looking beautiful smile.

Layered Composite – Composite material is commonly used for dental fillings. One unique method used in Croatia is that our lab will create your entire prosthetic from composite materials. Your prosthetic will sit on top of a titanium metal bar. The dentist does this because composite material is easy to shape. Also, another dentist in your area can repair it if it is damaged.

All on 4 Top Denture
All on 4 Top Denture

Hybrid Composite – This type of material is a mix of composite and Zirconia. The main advantage of using this material is that composite has a high level of flexibility, while Zirconia is strong and durable.  This material is good for compressive forces so it can withstand strong bite pressure.

Individual Crowns– This method involves a mixture of two different materials. Your crowns will fabricated one at a time and placed on top of a titanium milled bar. The lab technicans will make each crown from composite or Zirconia. Your doctor will do bite pressure testing to determine your the amount of force generated in different areas of your mouth. Once they have the date, they will place composite crowns in the rear teeth and Zirconia in the front. The dentist uses thiis material because composite is good for withstanding compressive force. The dentist will also mix it with Zirconia because it’s great for natural aesthetics.

Our team of doctors will customize their approach to your case when you decide to come see us in Croatia. We have some of the best equipment on the market, and we only work with top international dental implant brands. We can finish your case within a week because our processes are highly efficient. Dental prices in Budapest cannot guarantee the same quality of work you will get with us. In as much, the cost of implants in Turkey will also not be able to provide the level of quality and value we offer you in Croatia.

ProcedureCost range in CroatiaCost range in the U.K.
Single crown with implant€1100-1250€1600-1920
All-on-4 with Acrylic Prosthesis€5999-8200€9000-12,000
All-on-4 with Layered Composite Prosthesis€7000-8000€10,000-12,000
All-on-4 with Ceramic Crowns€7600-9600€11,400-13,100
All-on-4 with Zirconia€8200-10,200€13,200-16,200
Semi-Fixed All-on-4 Acrylic Prosthesis€5000-7200€8200-10,200
Semi-Fixed All-on-6 Acrylic Prosthesis€6600-7900€8300-9200

Croatia has far more to offer in terms of qualified doctors, international brands, convenience,equipment and as a travel destination.


If you are resident of Switzerland, Spain, the UK, France, Belgium or Germany then getting to Zagreb is relatively easy. Zagreb’s International Airport receives flights from many destinations across the EU on a daily basis. After booking your flight to Zagreb and arriving at the airport, our staff will be there to meet you and take you to your free accommodations.

City of Zagreb, Croatia.

This is why you will be staying a premiere hotel that is in the same building as the dental clinic. Therefore, you will not have to worry about taking cabs to and from your appointments nor renting a car. You will be Zagreb’s city center, within a short distance from some of is major attractions. Old town Zagreb is full of rich historical sites, amazing architecture and a vibrant nightlife.


Split is a coastal city on the northern part of the Dalmatian Coast. It is the second largest city in the country and home to some of the country’s richest history. Your accommodations in Split are right next to the Old Town, so you’ll be able to walk just about everywhere. Also, the Old Town is a maze of streets that surround a royal palace. You can spend hours simply walking around and exploring the mind blowing sights and buildings. In addition, the architecture there is over 1700 years old, so you will be stepping into a world of the past.

City of Split, Croatia.

Since Split is a coastal city, you will also have a chance to visit some of its best beaches. Split is perfect if you need a break and some down time to relax. Futhermore, the weather in Split is quite sunny most of the year. So you will be able to enjoy relaxing days on the beach, picturesque sunsets and its lively nightlife.


City of Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Dubrovnik is a city that is on the southern end of the Dalmatian coast. So you will love it’s rich history and amazing architecture. Visiting Dubrovnik is like stepping into an era of the past. Your accommodations will be luxury hilltop villa that overlooks the city. In other words, you will wake up to sights of its rich history. The Game of Thrones was actually filmed in multiple locations there. You will be stepping into a world that is still part of a distant past on your trip to Dubrovnik.

Also, it’s located on the Adriatic sea, so you can visit many islands and marine sites from the city. It is also a great place for beach goers because it is home to some of the regions beaches. One of the best things about Dubrovnik is that you can also visit its nearby mountains. There are many trails and adventure sports for climbers and hikers in the area. All in all, your trip to Dubrovnik will give you the option for both a beach and mountain holiday.

Croatia Doctor's team with a patient

When you go to Croatia, you will discover one of Europe’s hidden gems. Rather than searching for a dentist in Turkey or looking up dental prices in Budapest, you will find that Croatia is easier to navigate. This is because Croatia is one of Europe’s biggest ESL destinations so just about everyone can speak English. You will be able to talk to taxi drivers, hotel staff, your dentists, doctors, vendors and just about everyone in English. Croatia has all the conveniences of modern technology, while still retaining pieces of its past.

Visiting us in Croatia will be a life changing experience. This because you will get the some of the best dental work in Europe under the care of highly qualified and experienced doctors. You’ll be able to see unforgettable sights and best of all you’ll have a chance to restore your beautiful smile.

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